My Latest Game Analysis of one of my chess students

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Game # 1: ChessOptimist - pranchero
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Game # 1: ChessOptimist - pranchero
d4 d5
Nf3 Nc6
( Although this move in the opening is
acceptable, it is not adviceable. One basic principle in the opening is to
"control as many squares in the center as possible". The center
squares mentioned her are c4, d4, e4, f4, c5, d5, e5 and f5. Having said that, the usual move before
playing Nc6 later is to play ...c5 first for some important reasons, one of
them is to fight for control in e5 and c5 squres which white's d4-pawn is in
control of, and second, playing c5 gives black's queen more moving space by
opening the d8-a5 diagonal. Now this queen has the option to go to Qc7, Qb6 or
Qa5. For example, 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6
3. Bf4 c5 4. e3
Nc6. Now look at the position now. Black's queen has a lot of free
movement on the diagonals d8-a5, black's c5-pawn putting some pressure on
white's d4-pawn, and lastly the posibility of opening up the c-file to put
pressure on white's c-pawn later on and the posibility of taking control of
that open file. )
3. Bf4
( In
accordance with the principle of "control as many center squares as
possible", this bishop taking more control of the e5 square as well as the
diagonals h2-b8 with some pressure on black's c7-pawn. )
3.... Nf6
e3 e6
5. a3
( White
wanted to later on place his knight solidly on Nc3 so that he could have some
control of the e4-square which black's knight at f6 could post effectively
on. Playing a3
black from later on attack the planned Knight going to Nc3, and therefore
of the e4 square. For example, 5. c4 Bd7 6.
Nc3 Bb4
7. a3 Bc3 8. bc3
Ne4 and we can see now how black's knight dominates the e4 square, and
he could follow this up by playing f5 ).
5..... Bd6
c4 0-0
7. Nc3
( See how
greater movement white's queen has when he first played c4 before playing Nc3
with lots of options on the d1-a4 diagonal ).
7.... dc4
Bc4 Bf5
9. ef5
( Usually
having doubled pawns on the same file is a kind of pawn weakness, just like
what white now has with his pawns on f2 and f4, but this is compensated with
white having great control of the e5-square. So in this case, the usual and
most preferred option for black is to plan to play ...e5 so that he could free
his bishop on c8 as well as have some opening on the e5-file. For example, 8....Qe7 9. 0-0
e5 10. de5 Ne5
11. Ne5 Be5 and notice how
black's position is much freer with this option than with the exchange of
bishops with 8...Bf5. )
9.... Bd7
Qd2 Qe7
0-0 Qd6
Rad1 Ne7
Rfe1 Bc6
14. Ne5
( With
the help of white's pawn at c4 and f4, this knight has posted strongly and
securely at e5 and it could give an overall pressure on black's position. This
could have been prevented by black if he planned to play e5 in move # 9. )
14.... a6
15. Ba2 Bd5
Nd5 ed5
17. f3
( A
"preventive move", preventing one of black's pieces particularly the
knight at f6 to post this piece strongly at e4. Preventive moves are necessary
and very helpful in keeping ones position safe from any tactical dangers from
the opponent's pieces.. )
17.... Nc6
( A better plan for black here is
to try to look for files to open to give more space and movements for his
pieces, and one way here is by playing 17....c5
18. dc5 Qc5 19. Kh1
Rac8 with some play now on the c-file.
One important middle game principle is to "find open files for your
rooks and open diagonals for your bishops to give them play on those newly
opened files or diagonals". That is one way of giving your pieces more
"breathing space" where they could try to work something out ).
g3 Nd7
19. Re2
"Rooks doubled on the same file gains more strength, so playing Re2 with
the posibility of playing Rde1 is a good idea for white to have greater control
of the open e-file. Another middle game principle is "fight for open
files" and black did that when he placed his rook on e8, facing white's
rook on that same file. )
19..... Rfe8
20. Rc1
( White
could also play Rde1 and gain greater control of the e5-square with his doubled
rooks. The idea Rc1 is to try to give black a weak doubled pawn structure on
the c-file by exchange his knight on c6, if allowed by black. For example:
20....f6 21. Nc6 bc6 and we could see now that black's pawn
structure on his c-file is very weak. One concept on how to gain advantage over
the opponent is to "find ways of creating weak pawn structures on your
opponent's side" and these weak pawn structures could be doubled pawns on
the same file, isolated pawns and backward pawns that are hard to defend. )
20..... Ne5?
( Ne5 is wrong because white is
able to win black's pawn at d5. It is important to remember that "winning
even a single pawn could create such huge advantage, usually giving one an
advantageous endgame with that extra pawn or giving one's pieces more squares
to post on due to the lack of pawns on the opposite side. Remember that Chess champions with the likes
of Anatoly Karpov wins a lot of games simply by winning a single pawn, so the trick
to remember here is to "find ways of winning even a single pawn or more
and avoid losing them to reach an advantageous endgame". So a better option for black here would be to
play 20...Ne7 planning to follow it up with 21...c6, so that white's rook on c1
won't have much to do on that file. )
21. de5!
( This is
the right way to win a pawn, opening up the d-file and targets and nips black's
d-pawn )
21.... Qd7
Qd5 Qd5
( Slightly better for black is to
try to avoid exchanges after losing the pawn by playing 22...Qe7 instead. The reason here is that after the exchange of
queens, white's pawn advantage has become stronger going into the endgame, but
if there are still queens present on the board, black can still complicate the
game and try to find some tactics using his queen. Without his queen, black
will have less forces to complicate things to try to compensate for his lost
pawn. This principle also holds true when one loses a piece. After losing a
piece, "avoid making exchanges and try to use all your pieces to
complicate things and find ways to compensate for the lost piece". On the opposite side, if one wins a piece one
good principle to follow is "exchange as many pieces as possible to end up
with a winning endgame after winning a piece or even a single pawn or two. ).
23. Bd5
Rd2 Nf5
25. Be4
( Opening
up the d-file for his rook on e2 with a tempo, attacking white's knight .
Immediaty playing 24. Rc7 could give white some problems after black pressures
the bishop with 24...Rad8! as white's rook on d2 has no defense. ).
25.... Ne7
26. Rc7
( In the
endgame, one of the most popular winning strategy is to "try to win as
many pawns as possible to reach and advantageous endgame" So the opposite
principle here is to "try to avoid losing pawns to prevent having a lost
26.... Nc8
27. Rdd7
( It is
know that "rooks on the 7th file does a lot of damage on the opponent's
position" and if this rook is doubled with another rook, this gives even
more damage just like what white's rooks on c7 and d7 are doing, with pressures
on black's pawns on the 7th rank, especially the more important pawns on f7, g7
and h7 where black's king is located. )
27... Nb6
( Black could try 27.;..Rf8 but to
no avail, because white can now play 28. Rb7 and then 29. Bd5 with lots of
pressure on black's f-pawn. )
Rf7 Rc8
Rg7 Kh8
Rh7 Kg8
Rb7 Nc4
Bd5 Kf8
Rbf7 Kg8
Rfg7 Kf8
35. Rg8
1------ 0
1. There
is an opening principle to "try to control as many center squares as
possible" and one of the best ways to do this is to place pawns in the
center. Black went against that principle when he played 2....Nc6 instead of
playing c5 before playing Nc6. That is also the reason why white has gained a
lot of control in the center when black exchanged bishops with 8...Bf4 9. ef4, and white's pawns on c4 and f4
created a strong grip on the e5-square.
So if you
are either white or black, in a general sense it would be better to play c4
before playing Nc3 for white, and for black, c5 before playing Nc6. Playing c4
for white or c5 for black also gives more space for the queens in the diagonals
d1-a4 for white and d8-a5 for black.
2. Try to
find ways to post your knights strongly into the opponent's position because it
could creat a lot of stress on the opponent's overall position. That is what white has done when he strongly
posted his knight with 14. Ne5 supported by his pawns at c4 and f4.
Preventive moves are necessary to keep your opponent's pieces from going to
strong posts. Some of the moves in this game that shows that are 5. a3,
preventing black from playing Bb4 and therefore white's Knight on c3 gains
greater control of the important e4 square. Another would be 17. f3, preventing
black's knight on occupying the e4-square.
4. Middle
game principle:"find active play for all your pieces" and some ways
to achieve this is by opening up files for your rooks and opening up diagonals
for your bishops. So instead of playing 17...Nc6, black could find more active
play for his rooks on the c-file by playing 17...c5 instead.
Doubled rooks on an open file is idea and is the best way to control that open
file. Also, fight for open files so that you may find a way to dominate that
file or prevent the opponent from dominating that file. White's idea of playing
19. Re2 is to possibly play Rde1 next, so white could gain greater control of
the open e-file. Anyway, black played correctly when he played 19...Rfe8 as
this rook faced white's rook on the open e-file and is another example of
fighting for open files.
6. One
middlegame and endgame strategy is to "try to win as many pawns as
possible to end up with an advantageous endgame". White has successfully
done that when he baited black to exchange knights on e5 after 20...;Ne5 21. de5, enabling white to win black's
d-pawn. The opposite principle here is
to "try to prevent the opponent from winning pawns to keep them from
gaining an advantageous endgame". Also remember that chess champions with
the likes of Karpov thrives on the strategy of winning a single pawn and
turning that pawn advantage into a winning endgame.
7. The
moment you lose a piece or even a single pawn, it would be better to
"prevent exchanging pieces and try to use your pieces to complicate the
position to compensate for the lost pieces/pawns. After losing a pawn after 22.
Qd5, black could have more fighting chances by avoiding the queen exchange by
playing 22...Qe7 instead. After
22...Qd5 23. Bd5, we could see that it
became easier for white to turn his one pawn advantage into a win, but with
queens still on the board black would have the posibility of using his queen to
create complications like attacks and tactics with his queen.
8. Place
your rooks on the 7th rank at every opportunity, because "rooks on the 7th
file are very powerful, attacking the opponent's base pawns.
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